Category: programming
lcatDB (Lake Champlain Anglers’ Temperature Database) was an online database and single page application (SPA) meant to provide a centralized means of recording, accessing, and analyzing vertical water temperature profiles to citizens of the Lake Champlain region. It was supported by the SUNY Plattsburgh Center for Earth & Environmental Science and the Lake Champlain Sea Grant. lcatDB was (what I consider to be) my first attempt at full stack software development. While the app never really took off and is no longer around today, I was able to demonstrate many of my strengths and learned several valuable lessons. Here’s a mainly visual showcase of some of my work in responsive design! I was considering making this intro a lot more long winded, but instead I’ll just say this: my motivation for porting these games to the Switch mostly came from wanting to play them there myself. At the time I ported these games, the Switch was the best option to play these games on for several reasons: